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Monday, December 14, 2009

Get What You Really Want in Life Series

        There will be 5 parts on this series. I’ll give you the top 3 reasons why people don’t get what they really want in life. There are many reasons but I’ll provide you with only 3 to give more importance on these things. Each of the top 3 reasons will have its own discussion. After them, I will have my own reflection. I hope you would like it as much as I did when I was writing it.

Part I. Top 3 Reasons Why People Don’t Get What They Really Want in Life
1. Ignorance of one’s self
2. Poor self-image
3. Lack of initiative

Part II. Ignorance of One’s Self

        More often than not people don’t get what they want not because they lack the opportunity but because they don’t know what they want. Have you asked yourself what you really want in life?
        Life is so simple more than you think it is. What makes it complicated sometimes is the way you look at things. Most of our problems are just mind problems---our internal programming. You need to de-clutter. You’ve got to have clarity. If you don’t know what you really want in life then ask yourself and you have to listen to your voice within. The only catch is you might be misled. You might misunderstand it. That’s why it’s so important to de-clutter, to simplify things in your life. You’ve got to know yourself better. You’ve got to know what makes you happy or what irritates you or where you excel or what excites you. You need to master your emotions. Never let them control you. Befriend them however you need to take control. It’s just so sad to learn that many people don’t know what they really want in life. It’s the same as living your life without a purpose or getting lost in a place because you don’t know where you’re heading. The person who should know yourself better than others is you.
        Know what you really want---a happy marriage, a promising career, financial freedom and the like. Believe that you can achieve anything. First step is to acknowledge what you really want. I don’t mean daydreaming or wishful thinking. It needs to be an earnest thought.

Part III. Poor Self-image

        Are you one of those people who think that you deserve mediocrity? Perhaps not or perhaps you would say it out rightly, “Of course not!”
        I’ll give you a practical example. In a relationship, there’s what we call co-dependent relationship. Maybe you’re the Ms. Good Girl and you are attracted to Mr. Bad Boy. You love saving him from the pitfall or helping him out of trouble and alike. You’re so attached to the relationship even if he hurts you physically and emotionally because you feel that he needs you and that his life is at worst without you. This is just one of the examples of a co-dependent relationship.
        That actually reflects a poor self-image. Oftentimes, you have what you have right now (good or bad) not because you deserve it but it’s what you think you deserve. So you’ve got to love yourself a lot. I’m not using this statement with its negative meaning. If you really love yourself a lot, you will only choose what is best and right for you.
        Don’t settle for mediocrity. You’ve got to change what’s in your mind. Believe that you only deserve the best.

Part IV. Lack of Initiative

        Many people want to get rich. They declare it to the world. They know what they want. They have an excellent self-image but the drawback is they don’t make conscious efforts to achieve their dreams.
        They are those who will just complain why nothing is happening in their lives but haven’t asked yet if they had exhausted all the options or haven’t even tried an option at the least. Another thing is that they’re expecting better results but keep on doing the same things. Sometimes, you’ve got to cross the ocean to get to the next island to find your treasure. It’s just an extra mile away from your success.
        If you think you are the problem then you’ve got to be the solution. If you’ve got a dream, chase after your dream. Never stop until your dream becomes a reality or never stop dreaming more dreams and making them come true as long as you live.
You only got one lifetime to live. Make it more rewarding and fulfilling. Write your most beautiful story your life has ever yet to be told and make sure that it’s going to be a best-seller!

Part V. My Reflection

        To summarize the series: Get What You Really Want in Life, I experienced all the top 3 reasons discussed at some point in my life. Initially, I didn’t know what I really want in life. So what I did was I asked myself, “How do I want to be remembered when I die?” It may sound scary but you’ve got to think long-term. My God-given gift is communication. So I promised to use this gift to inspire at least one person in my lifetime and help that person’s life become better somehow in my own little way.
        I also experienced poor self-image. I thought I deserve mediocrity. I was creating that reality in my subconscious mind. After a long time of self-discovery and introspection, I immerse myself to a new reality: I only choose what’s best and what’s right for me. It’s so liberating. I feel I have all the freedom---to choose the script for my life story.
        Finally, I got to the point that I lack initiative or perhaps didn’t know yet what to do to achieve my dreams. If you would ask me now what my dream is I would tell you upfront and I won’t be shy that I want to be a young millionaire by writing best-selling inspirational books and by investing my money through real estate, small businesses, stocks, bonds and mutual funds. So to be closer to my dream, what I do are the following: I constantly improve my financial wisdom through reading financial books, attending seminars and workshops. I do web blogs and get comments from my readers who inspire me to improve and to write more inspirational blogs. I constantly have mentors around who are already successful in the field where I’m also into. In other words, I have the thirst for knowledge.
        Oftentimes, I fail but I keep on trying because I believe that the most successful people in this world are those who have failed the most. Yes, it involves risk but you’ve got to manage that risk. If you want to win big, you’ve got to dream big. Dream big, small dreams won’t excite you because after all dreams are free. When I run into someone and we talk about my dream; sometimes, that person would make that ridiculous smile because I saw it when no one else did.


  1. really cool text! It help'd me a little :)

  2. Thanks for your comment!:) I really appreciate it.:) I'll try to improve the layout for easy reading.:)
