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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Nothing is Impossible with God

        Since I witnessed how moving the Hillsong's worship concert was in 2010, I decided to make it a point to be in the worship concert if it fell on April, my birth month, as my birthday gift to myself. 

        This year the homegrown Australian band Planet Shakers with Israel Houghton and New Breed had a worship concert at the Smart Araneta Coliseum on April 21st. Even before the ticket prices were published, I had been talking about it. I was so excited that I had to ask one of my friends to check the ticket prices for me once they're available. So, I was all up to it. Then, my friend told me the ticket prices. So, I said, "I'm going to take the VIP seat." Procrastination or hesitation or however you name it, I didn't buy the ticket right away. I waited for others to buy, too. It was just a month away before the concert, and there was I without a ticket. I've waited for my other friends, and still I had no ticket. The waiting period seemed like forever. Finally, I had the courage to ask, "Do they still have the VIP tickets?" My friend told me that there isn't anymore. 

        A few days passed, he told me that he didn't have the time to check it. So, I might as well check it myself. I had a last-minute check with my other friend. It was the night before the concert. My friend and I went to TicketNet in a local mall in the metro. We excitedly lined up to buy the tickets to no avail. I could only say, "Frustrating, isn't it? Are you kidding me?" I couldn't do anything but to laugh at the situation I was in. Then, I just realized this was my prior plan. I just hated the thought of not getting in. I sighed, "I'll take my chances tomorrow. If it's close to impossible, then, Thy will be done. Maybe, God has a better gift for me." The next day was the red-letter day. I tweeted, "Day 112 in 2012: Today, I believe miracles will happen. The same God who rose from the dead will give me miracles beyond my imagination.:)" But I was also ready to surrender. I just didn't want to get angry with God because I might not appreciate His real gift to me. So, I did my stuff. I cleaned my room, organized the clothes in my closet, and off I went to some engagements. That morning,  I decided to just go to a party. Right after the engagements, I went to the rendezvous which was where the Smart Araneta Coliseum is close to. "You see, God has a great sense of humor." I was waiting for my friends to fetch me. A few SMS (Short Messaging System) exchanges and a number of phone calls, but we hadn't met yet. Then, I finally crossed the bridge way, and saw the crowd lining up to walk through the gates of the coliseum. A part of me was hurt. I felt the pain and at the same time the joy of seeing a flock of people who were thirsty to worship God. That comforted me. Then, my phone rang. It was my friend. He asked, "Are you sure you're coming to the party?" I said, "Yes." Then, the line got cut off. God asked me, "Are you sure you want to come to the party or to the concert?" I said, "Of course, I want to worship You tonight. But God, everybody told me that the tickets were sold out already."  Then, I told my friend that I'll go to the worship concert instead. I thought,  "I'm sure they're going to understand." 

        Without anything to lose, I went down with the hopes to just get to feel the high of the worshipers lining up outside. I wanted to really get in, but I said to myself, "Thy will be done. I'll take my chances. I don't know if I can still get any ticket at all, but I believe that with God, nothing is impossible." I was a bit lost. I had to ask a number of people to get the right directions. When I got to the right place, I saw the counter releasing SRO (Standing Room Only) tickets. The cash I had was enough to purchase the ticket. So, I did. When I went inside together with some familiar faces in the LOJ (Light of Jesus) family, I had goose bumps. It was what I really wanted. It was what I had been planning and praying for. It was a dream come true for me. Then, the worship leader uttered, "I don't know how you walked in  those doors..." And I said, "Yeah, you don't know. You don't have any idea." I was crying. God spoke to me that night. He said, "I've conquered sin and death. There's nothing else that I can't and won't do for you. You just have to believe." 

        I recalled the bible verse Luke 17:6 (NIV): If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you. Another verse that's also about believing is Philippians 4:13 (NKJV):  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This is now my life statement: Nothing is impossible with God. I learned that God just required me to be certain of what I really want and believe that it will happen because He makes all things possible. It isn't my job to make the impossible possible. It is His job. 
        Perhaps, it was just another worship concert for everybody else, but for me it was different. It was God's reminder to me that I can do all things- like anything, as long as I'm sure with what I want and believe that it will happen even before taking action. He gave me the spirit of courage and not of cowardice. Indeed, He gave me miracles beyond my imagination. He never failed to surprise me, and His version is always the best.

        I pray that you allow God to make it possible for you. You only need to be clear of what you really want and believe that it will happen in spite of the lack of resources or other hindrances. He's the God of endless possibilities. He's the Expert on the subject Impossible. So, let Him take over when you already did everything humanly possible. I'm sure it will be a lot easier for you. You need not carry all the burden, my friend.

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